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Restore an ecosystem

Ideally located between sea and hills in the heart of the KAMPOT PEPPER PROTECTED GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATION

20km from Kampot City    CAMBODIA

Pemium Kampot pepper
Poivre de Kampot Premium

from a degraded land that was previously dense forest, We

Reforest about half of the property


Grow one of the most famous peppers in the world


Experience and promote Regenerative Agriculture


Create an affordable ready-made concept house

Best Kampot pepper



a Cambodian native forest tree has given its name to the project. It grew naturally on the land when it was still a forest about 20 years ago. Leaving the land “at rest” some Sindora Siamensis are growing naturally again.

Half of the 10ha property is dedicated to tree planting. Our expectation is to gather on the land as much Cambodian forest trees as possible. At maturity, we will collect seeds for possible other reforestation projects. Local authorities support the idea of extending our reforestation experiment on a public hilly land situated behind Sindora garden of pepper.

Forest trees will stabilize erosion, bring freshness, give humus and hopefully will restore the hydraulic system. The two springs drying up during the hot season would again be alive through the year. Pepper and other agriculture will benefit from a restored ecosystem.

Kampot Pepper Farm


Today about 120 species

Botanic Name    -     Khmer Name

Adenanthera pavonina   -   Montréi

Afzelia Xylocarpa   -   Beng

Albizia Lebbeck   -   Chres

Albizia Saman   -   âmpil' Barang' [not native]

Albizia Lucidior   -   Pôôh bé:ng

Aquilara Cressna - Chan Cressna

Azadirachta indica   -   Sdau

Bouea Oppositifolia - Mak' prang'

Cassia Fistula   - Riëchhpühs

Cassia siamensis   -   Angkanh'

Dalbergia Cochichinensis   -   Kranhu:ng

Dalbergia Oliveri   -   Nieng Nuon

Diospyros Crumenata Twaites  -Chhë Kmao

Diospyros pilosanthera   -   Trâyü:ng

Dipterocarpus alatus   -   Cheteal

Dipterocarpus intricatus   -   Trach

Fagraea Fragrans   -   Ta trao

Heritiera javanica Blume   -   Duëng chaèm

Homalium tomensum - Kâmphlow niëng

Hopea Odorata   -   Koki Masao

Irvinga Malayana   -   Châmbâk

Lagerstroemia floribunda   -   Trabek prey

Microcos tomentosa - Pôphlié

Mitrella Mesnyi  -   Rumduël

Nephelium Hyoleucum Kruz - Sé:tmoën

Peltophorum dasyrrhachis  -   Trâsé:k

Pterocarpus Macrocarpus   -   Thnueng

Shorea Farinosa   -   Lumbaô

Shorea roxburgshiana   -   Pope'l

Sindora siamensis   -   Kôkôh

Sterculia Parviflora   -   Sâmrô:ng

Swietnia Macrophylla - Kroàb Baèk[not native]

Syzygium Cumini   -   Pri:ng

Tectona grandis   -   May Sak

Xylia Xylocarpa   -   Sokrum

Best Kampot pepper

Kampot Pepper

KAMPOT PEPPER is considered by connoisseur as one of the FINEST PEPPER in the world.

Our Garden of pepper is located in the heart of Kampot Pepper Protected Geographical Indication.

Meilleur Poivre de Kampot


Already in the 13th century, the Chinese diplomat to the Khmer Empire Zhou Daguan mentions pepper as a remarkable local spice.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the sultana of Acheh [nowadays Sumatra Island in Indonesia] produced over half the world's supply of pepper. During the last quarter of 19th century wars for the Malacca Strait control leads to invasion of Sultana of Acheh by Dutch army. Part of the production then moved to Kampot area.

The most glorious era for Kampot Pepper was during the French protectorate. Among all peppers from Indochina, Kampot pepper was the most appreciated in France and became a must in all prestigious restaurants. Production stopped during the civil war in the 70th. Since years 2000 pepper is growing again in the region and it is taking back its place as one of the most appreciated pepper of the world.

Kampot Pepper Organic


“Kampot Pepper” name comes from its geographical location, Kampot and Kep provinces southern Cambodia. During the French protectorate the pepper was loaded in Kampot city - the only sea harbor of the country at that time - for being shipped to France. It became famous under the name “Poivre de Kampot”.

Its specific “terroir” between sea and hills gives a unique flavor to this most appreciated spice.

With a strong support from AFD [Agence Francaise de Developpement] a PGI [Protected Geographical Indication] has been established by the Cambodian Ministry of Trade in 2009.

Since 2016 the PGI is registered by European Union. It is the first Cambodian product receiving this very coveted quality label. Such as Champagne it gives a strong level of protection in the EU Market.

Only KPPA [Kampot Pepper Promotion Association] members following strict specifications can call their production “Kampot Pepper”. Our Identification number P0-000-039 on each pack guaranty traceability and the origin of the product.

Ecocert, well known European independent control body supervises the KPPA and assures that its members  follow strictly the specification.

Premium Kampot pepper
Meilleur poivre de Kampot
Poivre de Kampot bio
Premium Organic Kampot pepper


Organic Kampot Pepper Cambodia


not applied yet


Meilleur Poivre de Kampot

Sindora garden of pepper has been selected 

as  ARTISAN PRODUCEUR of QUALITY by "Le Collège Culinaire de France" one of the most prestigious Quality Restaurant Association in France .

Sindora garden of pepper complies with the EU Organic Certification [EU 834/2007, 889/2008] giving the label KH-BIO-Non EU Agriculture. However for small producer the cost of the certication is too high, so we  keep it pending for the moment.


is a vine [Piperum Nigrum] originally from the forest of Kerala – India. Cultivated, it grows on poles of about 3.5m high. Black, Red and White peppers are fruits from the same plant at a different stage of maturity. 


Growing, watering, fertilizing, harvesting and processing are made on a very artisanal way by our small team, respecting the long tradition and the strict specifications of Kampot Pepper Promotion Association.

At Sindora garden of pepper a great attention is given to the highest quality of our products but also to the beauty of the place.


Quality of the water used for washing and soaking treatments is essential for the best of the final product. We are mainly using spring water and occasionally deep well water from the property. We are expecting that with reforestation springs will be alive again through the year giving the best possible water.

Premium organic Kampot pepper


fruits are harvested before full maturity and usually eaten fresh in different preparations.

It is less spicy than the dry ones. Its fruity aromas make it wonderful for seafood.

Crab with green pepper is one of the specialties of the region.



Unripe berries are collected just when they turn from green to yellow. They are carefully sorted and cleaned up then plunged for short time in hot water before being dried in the sun for a couple of days.

Our Black pepper has a strong but delicate taste, offering notes of fruits and flowers.



It is the fully ripe berry, picked up one by one by hand on the vine. They are carefully sorted and cleaned up then plunged for short time in hot water before being dried in the sun for a couple of days.

Our Red pepper has a full round taste, a bit sweet and not so hot.



It is an almost ripe berry having the pericarpium removed through a water soaking and robbing process. It is then dried in the sun for a couple of days. Our White pepper has mild and delicate flavor.

Once dry, a second manual sorting is needed to remove damaged or small berries that are not complying with our very strict criteria of Excellence.

The terroir of  Kampot region, the ecosystem in restoration and the great care given to each plant of pepper and to the all process by a small family team give to our peppers their extraordinary range of aromas and flavors.

All the three peppers give their full flavor when freshly ground. We provide only whole peppercorns.

Organic Agriculture

Regenerative Agriculture

The all garden is created with a regenerative vision, bringing back life to soils. We are harvesting about 1 ton of Malis and Romdoul rice each year.  Quite a variety of vegetables and fruits assure the every day needs of people living on the property.

The entire domain is 100% organic. Keo and Malika passionate about agriculture experiment different techniques and home-made fertilizer inspired by permaculture, preparation of EM (Effective Microorganisms) and other organic practices regenerating  soils that has been badly degraded by the deforestation. Once techniques fully mastered and corroborated by scientific studies , the project will be used as a show case for spreading the knowledge by creating a training center.

Regenerative Agriculture Kampot
Agriculture bio Cambodge
agriculture regenerative Kampot
Organic farming Kampot
Organic pepper Kampot Cambodia

The Pavilion

Due to a recent terrible deforestation,  soon it will be impossible to build the traditional wooden house. As an alternative we have created a


It is inspired by the key characteristics of Cambodian traditional houses, perfectly adapted to the hot and wet climate. For lowering the cost, the standard steel structure is prepared in our workshop then brought to the site for quick assembling.

Premium Kampot pepper

The pavilion is made on short stilts avoiding any rising damp from the ground and allowing good ventilation under the floor. The roof has long overhang to avoid direct sun on outside partition walls. Thatch roof has our preference for its amazing thermal properties and absorption of noise during heavy rains. It also contributes to local economy by using surrounding natural materials. A large veranda is proposed with bamboo flooring. Attention has been given to possible intrusion using steel or bamboo lattice.A ceiling allows double flux natural ventilation.


The Pavilion is proposed in 3 different models each with a  variety of options.

Please contact us for any further information.



In Cambodia

You are welcome at anytime for a visit.

For an exclusive 3 courses lunch at the pavilion please book in advance by sending a What'sApp message to:

Keo +855.87.271.148

Malika +855.16.633.885

Stephane +855.12.846.251

Please contact us directly for any order or inquiry.

Premium Kampot Pepper

In Belgium for Europe

Our Black, Red and White peppers are available in 50gr packs.

For purchase inquiry, please contact us.

Jean Michel +32.496.123.675

Meilleur poivre de Kampot
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